Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fun with Yaya and Papa

Aubrey and I got to go visit my parents this week. It was nice to see them, along with two of my brothers! Family time is always so fun in the Anadon house! Aubrey loves her grandparents and got to do some really fun things with them! Her and her Papa got to play with Papa's music! So fun to see music getting passed on to yet another generation :) She loves dancing and singing and touching all the buttons in Papa's studio... unfortunately I didn't make it home with any pictures of this :-/ (how did I botch that one?!)
I did however get some fun pictures of Aubrey and her Yaya making a very sassy doorknob hanger! Yaya is so brave and got out the glitter paints! Aubrey loved getting messy and using something new and interesting! Enjoy the pictures! There's nothing like grandparents :)

Glitter Glue Pens
Plain foam doorknob hanger
Cutouts to decorate
Yaya shows Aubrey how to use the the glitter glue... helps her write her name and decorate the hanger!
Aubrey feels more comfortable putting on her flowers! But still wants Mama and Yaya to watch! She liked it when we cheered her on :)
The finished product!


  1. Oh so cute! :) She's so much fun in the scrapbook room. I'm wondering what she'd do in there if left on her own... (with us watching, of course!)

  2. Oh, and I'll send you a pic of her playing the keyboard with her papa!!!
