Sunday, January 9, 2011

Discovery Jars

If your house is anything like mine, you have tons of scrap craft accessories just lying around from ribbon to sequins, all sorts of little pieces without a use. I saw this online and thought, oh perfect! What a great excuse to use up some of those random pieces.
Bits and pieces of whatever... we used sequins, ribbon, jewels
Jars - we had big glass jars, but small plastic ones would be better
I threw a bunch of pieces of sequins and cut up pieces of ribbon on the desk and let her throw them into the jar. She liked hearing things clank on the bottom.
Next, I let Aubrey pour cups of water into the jar. This was her favorite part! She would've preferred to just do this ALL day.
Once the jar is full of water, glue the lid on and let it dry. Shake it up like you would a snowglobe and watch all the pretty pieces swirl around. This part is better for younger ones... This project would be great for those with toddlers and infants. The toddlers really enjoy making them, where infants (6 months and up) should really enjoy all the swirling colors! Enjoy!


  1. Ummm So stealing this! GREAT idea!

  2. Let me know how it goes! Glad to give you an idea for your little ones!

  3. Is that a plastic thing full of multi colored buttons at the top????? I want one... :)
    Miss Aubrey looks like she's having lots of fun with this one.
