Friday, January 14, 2011

Apple Painting,.. turned finger painting... turned face painting.

So, as you all probably know, anything goes with toddlers... what was meant to be us painting with apples quickly turned into something different, as happens so frequently with little ones. No matter, we went along with it and had a great time anyway!
So... if you're planning on doing apple paintings, you'll need...
apple (cut horizontally to see the stars)
Dip the apple into paint and than use it like a stamp.... simple as that right?
Well, Aubrey quickly lost interest in the apple stamps, and could care less about the cute little stars they left. Instead, she loved getting her fingers thick into the paint, so, I let her! She enjoyed herself, but a girl of excess, ALWAYS wanted MORE paint!
Eventually, she was all done, but not without messes. She had a good time cleaning up and seeing her painted face in the mirror!


  1. LOVE!!! BTW, we just did pompom monkeys and caterpillars. No pictures of the process though because they did them while being babysat.

  2. Always, ALWAYS take pictures so I can post it on here! :)
