with my son. Painting with a marble... It looked fairly easy and not a
whole lot of mess, which made me happy!
Material Needed:
1. Marble(s) duh! :) I found a bag for a dollar at Michaels.
2. Tempura paint
3. Some art paper
4. A small box. I actually picked one up at Michaels while spending
$100's of dollars (Thanks Allie) on arts and crafts for Grayson. They
gave it to me free...the figured I probably more than paid for it.
Thanks Michaels!
5. I also got a large plastic table cloth to put on the ground. We
don't have a "normal" kitchen table to use for stuff like this (It's a
bar table, what were we thinking). We end up sitting on it (the table
cloth not the bar table) and the ground to paint today.
6. Old formula divider (My sister is a genius, I tell you!) to
separate the different color paints.
On to business:
I had to cut (fold really), the paper to fit the box. I also cut slits
on the side, thinking it would be easier for my son to hold on to the
box. He didn't get it and just held on the side of the box. I put a
marble in the box without paint and showed Grayson the ins and outs of
shaking the box. He KIND of got it, but I had to help him along with
this part.
I then dropped the marble into a paint color container, dished it out
and put it in the box and helped G roll it around. Grayson LOVED
seeing the different colors appear! He WOW'd and OOOh'd the whole
time. He got curious and touched the paint, and didn't like the mess
he left on his hands or legs! :) Yes, I've created a baby who LOVES to
be clean! Woo Hoo for me!! :)
Daddy came home just in time for the fun too! Daddy, noticing how hard
it was for G to hold the box and even tilt it to make the marble roll,
came up with the GENIUS idea to put the box on the floor and shake it
back and forth. G finally got it and loved making more marble paint
art all by himself!
Finished Product:
Grayson van Gogh
Tab this is so cute! Hope you scaned the picture and sending it to me via the computer right now... :) I'm sure Alli and Aubrey will be doing this one soon. I'd of liked to seen her do this one to. I bet she'll have a blast. (Thank you for keeping Michaels in business. I miss that store...) :)