Chalkboards... To go please!
Aubrey was in a bit of a funk today, and was feeling more like going to bed early than sitting down and doing a project. No fear, I came prepared for such set backs. I do have a few ideas up my sleeve for Aubrey-related projects that I can do when Aubrey just isn't in the mood... the idea is for her to enjoy herself, not to force her to do this with me... So I pulled one of those out today.
I got this idea looking into a similar project. In fact, I was in line at Michaels all set to follow the directions for the pencil box chalkboard when I noticed these little tins used to hold gift cards. I measured them up and sure enough, perfect size to hold pieces of chalk! If you're anything like me, there is limited space while traveling. I thought, "This is just what I need!" Which is how I came up with these to-go chalkboards!
- Plastic to protect the floor
- gift card tins (I did three to make some extra)
- Chalkboard paint -- Found in your local craft store paint department
- Chalk
I just took the tops of the tins off and put them aside. These ones happened to have really cute designs on the front, so I didn't want to cover them up. Instead, I used the backs and laid them out on the plastic to prepare to spray them.
This project is super simple. I just followed the directions on the back of the can, similar to any spray paint, and covered the bottom and sides of the tins. Easy as that.
I wish I had a final picture for you all, but it will have to come tomorrow. The paint needs 24 hours to! Patience is always the lesson here, isn't it. Oh well, be on the look out! I have a feeling they'll be super cute!
can't wait to see the final pics. :)