Monday, January 17, 2011

Animal Ark

Those of you who live in cold climates like me know you have to take advantage of any warm winter days whenever they decide to show up. This past weekend was one of those days. I knew it was going to be beautiful outside, and had heard that the Animal Ark, a non-profit animal sanctuary near Reno, NV, was open. This was a great opportunity to see all the animals in their winter coats since they are only open two weekends out of the entire winter. So we all hopped in the car and drove the almost hour long drive to the Ark... so worth it! Not everyone lives in climates such as mine, but everyone should brave the cold once in a while to allow your children experiences such as this one. Enjoy!
Aubrey got to get up close and personal with a very furry bobcat
It was very wet and muddy, but that made Aubrey enjoy it even more!
Aubrey and daddy looking for the white tiger...we found him!
Watching them talk about the one eyed falcon... okay, he actually has two eyes, but one doesn't work :)

For those of you who live driving distance to the Animal Ark, the next and final winter weekend opportunity is coming up in February. Aubrey and I might go again, so let us know if you want to come along!

1 comment:

  1. uummm... this looks so cold and wet. I bet Miss Aubrey LOVED it!!!
